Friday, August 8, 2008


I never knew I was able to type in the blog...
Nothing seemed to be good luck with your career and schooling (I think you are done with that by now) Kat. Thank-you for being at the XS Workshop and working with us. Farewell, may your life be full of no-one-can-take-this away from me experiences and wonderful turns ^__^

Saturday, October 27, 2007


In the beginning...

Hello Jonathan, Alishea and Jennifer!
Welcome to our private-ish blog!
I developed this site so that out group can communicate about ideas for our Superhero project/outfit for the Digital Threads Network without cluttering up the Digital Threads Blog. Here, we can post our ideas, images we've developed, and inspiration, while commenting on and coming up with constructive criticism for each others posts! A quick-chat box has been added so that we can bounce ideas off of each other quickly. I also added "The Occaisional Superheroine" News reel -t his will keep us up on the world of comics and superheros, maybe there'll be some ideas for us there. Last but not least I have attached a slowly updating webcam shot of the mannequin in my studio - where I'll be developing the final outfit based on our group's ideas. You'll get to see it come together as it happens! (Right now it's just a static image as I have not started yet).

Hope you like the layout! Have fun posting!